Scrapboy is a great application for Facebook heavy-users.

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Scrapboy is a great application for Facebook heavy-users. Actually, the application also supports MySpace and Orkut.

Scrapboy allows you to be always in touch with a great array of features. The application will connect to the Facebook servers and tell you all you need to know. It will automatically tell you when someone wants to chat with you, when someone changes their status, uploads a new photo, etc. The great thing about having an application to do your social networking on, is that you don't need to constantly go on your web browser. You have all the information that you need on Scrapboy, and also you can check your MySpace and Orkut contacts while you are at it. Also, messaging and blogging on Scrapboy seems really easy. I have an iPhone application for Facebook, which is really similar to this one. They both work great. They are fast and the layout is even better than the website version, which is something hard to accomplish. Scrapboy even allows you to tag and see photos from your friends and yours, and you can even upload and tag new photos. Scrapboy is an excellent alternative for Facebook and company.


  • Connects to the most popular social networking sites
  • Interface is clear and easy to use


  • None
This program received 5 awards
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Scrapboy Digital Media Corporation
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